The Future of Social Media ROI Measurement

There’s a lot of talk about social media ROI and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in light of Instagram removing likes from the platform. Some marketers are all for this change, while others worry brands will have a harder time justifying the ROI of their social media marketing. Our view is that if you understand and track the correct metrics for your goals, the demise of vanity metrics isn’t as terrifying as it sounds.

Continue reading The Future of Social Media ROI Measurement

Creating a Holiday Social Media Strategy

A stellar holiday social media strategy is the first step to crushing your fourth-quarter digital marketing goals. B2C and B2B brands know the most magical time of the year deserves a little something special to keep products and services top-of-mind among a target audience. These four tips will help you get your holiday social media strategy off the ground faster than eight reindeer.  Continue reading Creating a Holiday Social Media Strategy

Social Media Graphic Sizes

Social Media Graphic 101

“What size should our social media graphic be?” is one of the questions we get most often from Clients. The answer depends on which platform you’re posting on. Each social platform has customized graphic display constraints for its feed. Facebook technically has two graphic sizes: one for link previews and one for stand-alone images. Continue reading Social Media Graphic 101

Spring-Cleaning Your Brand’s Digital Presence

Spring-cleaning isn’t just for your house and garage, it also applies to your digital marketing assets. We know potential customers are more likely than ever to search online before making a purchase, so it’s important to put your best foot forward on the web. As part of your annual physical spring-cleaning, review your digital spaces as well. These three tips will get you started and help make the process more effective! Continue reading Spring-Cleaning Your Brand’s Digital Presence

LinkedIn Audience Network

What is the LinkedIn Audience Network?

LinkedIn finally introduced it’s own native advertising network this week, the LinkedIn Audience Network. The new advertising component allows marketers to place Sponsored Content on high-quality, third party publishers across devices. Continue reading What is the LinkedIn Audience Network?

Changes to Facebook Link Preview


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In late June, Facebook announced they will no longer allow editing of link previews for posts as part of its mission to reduce fake news on the platform. While we commend Facebook’s commitment to authenticity, this change to the API is going to present a few challenges for digital marketing strategies. Continue reading Changes to Facebook Link Preview

Facebook’s New Algorithm Strives to Eliminate Fake News

Facebook Algorithm

Image source: Techcrunch

You may notice a few changes to your Facebook Newsfeed in coming weeks as the social media giant is again updating its algorithm to rid itself of “fake news.” No one knows exactly when the changes will be happing, but we do know Facebook will be implementing new ways in which content is ranked on the Newsfeed in order to prevent “spammy”, “fake” or otherwise deceptive and misleading stories. Continue reading Facebook’s New Algorithm Strives to Eliminate Fake News

8 Social Media Marketing Mistakes & How To Fix Them

Over the last decade, social media marketing has become a key branch of the marketing world, and almost every business or brand has some sort of presence on a platform. With what seems like endless “expert advice” and strategies changing at light-speed, its easy for businesses to fall behind and make mistakes. Here are 8 common social media mistakes that brands might not even be aware they are making! Continue reading 8 Social Media Marketing Mistakes & How To Fix Them