I came across a blog post by Mitch Joel today that has me a little worried. Here’s the beginning paragraph of the blog, Your Brand Is Tweeting Too Much:
It’s getting ugly out there. Brands and fellow agencies will often ask me the same question: how often should we be on _____________ (insert your favorite social media channel here)? In the past, research be damned, my response would typically be: so long as it’s quality and your audience cares, shares and keeps on about it, don’t listen to the research reports or what any pundit has to tell you. The unique pulse between and a brand and its consumers is highly personal and unique on a case-by-case basis.I may be wrong.”
Not only do I hold Mitch Joel among the most well respected digital marketing and social media marketing experts in the world, I shared his view about how frequently brands should post on their social media platforms.
All the points Mitch makes are very relevant – I certainly can’t name one single friend I want to hear from 30 times a week, let alone a brand I want to have that much interaction with.
It’s time to reign it in and be more judicious about my posting. My biggest offense is without a doubt Twitter, and I ascribed to the idea that the rapidly updating feed on Twitter is more forgiving of message overload than some of the other social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn.