The Importance of Work-Life Balance

Steve Taylor posted a really insightful blog for The Creative Group this week and it got me thinking. The topic was 8 career development tips to keep you ahead of the curve, and as a big proponent of introspection, these topics tend to pique my interest.

What was really interesting to me was #6 – Maintain a Good Work-Life Balance. Steve wrote:

This one is a little harder because it’s not always in your control. However, a healthy work-life balance can make all the difference between a good career and a great one. Sure, you could stay an extra hour at the office and churn out work that isn’t due until tomorrow night. Or you could spend it with your family, get plenty of sleep and produce even better work the next morning.

Too many of us have come to believe that “the brass” favor workaholics. However, I’ve come to find that many managers prefer individuals who keep work in check because employees who enjoy a life outside the office are often happier and more creative.

I am the first to admit that I have failed pretty miserably at maintaining a good balance between my personal and professional lives this past year. In addition to taking on a new job just before Christmas 2013 I spent most of 2014 planning our August wedding. I have always believed, especially at my current marketing and public relations agency, that workaholics are revered and greatly appreciated. But the level of respect and appreciation doesn’t seem to match the amount of work that I’ve put in and the number of personal sacrifices I’ve made – namely, spending my evenings at home with my husband and our dog recharging my creative juices.

One of my top three New Year’s Resolutions is to maintain a healthier work-life balance, and I appreciate Mr. Taylor for reminding me that I’m not the only one to value this skill.