4 Reasons to Outsource Your Social Media

4 Reasons toOutsource Your Social MediaWith rapidly changing algorithms and an endless stream of emerging social platforms it’s no wonder so many companies are contracting out their social media from strategy to content creation to implementation. While there are benefits and drawbacks to utilizing a team of experts, this blog focuses on four reasons to outsource your social media.

Dedicated Resources

Social networking, like any marketing initiative, requires time and consideration. Many brands are successfully connecting with their target audiences on social channels using posts that integrate unique business features with consumer needs in an engaging, humorous, and intelligent way.

Too often, in-house marketing employees are required to juggle multiple, deadline driven projects which take attention away from social media initiatives. It’s true, the ROI of social media is harder to quantify than that of more traditional forms of lead generation; however, abandoning your company’s profiles is one of the biggest social media faux pas. Hiring an outside team of social media marketing experts ensures that educated professionals are focusing one hundred percent on creating quality content that’s relevant to your brand. Additionally, monitoring progress and adjusting the plan entails careful data analysis. By outsourcing these tasks, businesses gain followers and obtaining thought leadership credibility without investing limited energy into learning how each network operates.

Professional Expertise

Each social media platform is constantly updating and reinventing itself to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. Most businesses can’t dedicate a full-time staff member to following the latest trends and changes, but social media professionals are devoted to keeping relevant on the latest technologies, applications, emerging platforms, and new developments. Adding this responsibility to an existing employee’s plate is like giving them a 40-hour-a-week job on top of the one they already have.

By outsourcing your social media, you’re more likely to ride the wave of early adopters and reap the benefits of connecting with potential customers on developing platforms.

Perspective and Analysis

Often times the closer you are to a project the more difficult it is to critically analyze its strengths and weaknesses. Similarly, marketing teams that handles all aspects of their strategy in-house risk becoming stagnant, too introspective, and complacent.

Though no one will know your brand as well as you, a social media agency can challenge ideas and concepts while infusing fresh creative thinking to the program. Objective thinking can uncover clients’ pain points and unique selling propositions that were previously going under the radar.

Do What You Do Best

Chances are that your biggest contributions to your business are not in the social media arena. Whether you’re driving sales, managing investors or working on intellectual property, your energy is better spent on things no one else can manage.

At Top Shelf Digital Marketing prospective clients come to us because the person currently running the social media is a greater asset in another area of the business. We step in and work closely with in-house staff to provide digital marketing strategy and implementation so that employees are able to focus on the tasks that keep the business moving forward.

If you’re considering outsourcing your digital and social media marketing, we’d love to hear more about your business and see if Top Shelf Digital & Social Media Marketing is a good fit for your needs. Like this post? Check out past blogs in the archive below.