Capturing Attention: Six Tips To Help Brands Stand Out

Capturing Attention

Similar to its predecessor, the remote control, the mighty smartphone has completely revolutionized our world, making communication faster and easier than ever. With everything we need – groceries, home security, health services and even dates, all of these services and products is just one tap, swipe and figure eight away. Through endless apps, social media platforms and search capabilities, it now becomes more challenging than ever for brands to penetrate through the noise to reach their intended audiences.

Attention Spans are Shrinking

Competing Attention SpansA recent study found that our attention spans are rapidly shrinking and now we know have an average attention span that is shorter than a gold fish’s memory (8 seconds!) which leads to a more challenging scenario for brands to capture consumer attention.

With these thoughts in mind and to assist forward-thinking companies, we’ve broken down 6 tips from World Economic Forum to strengthen up your brand’s audience reaching potential.

Humans are Visual Creatures

Implementing photos and graphics are a faster way of grabbing a consumer and takes less time to click on a photo link than it does to read a caption or description.

SEO is everything

If your brand doesn’t have the budget for sponsored ads through Google, utilizing and applying key words to describe your product will help enable faster and more effective searches by the consumer. 

Personalize Your Message

With so many ads and posts being blasted at the consumer through multiple mediums, the ones that are going to have a lasting effect and drive home you r product are messages that produce some sort of personal connectivity. Responsive and empathetic messaging that taps into people’s personal lives is a more effective method than a “copy and paste” computer generated message.

Trust Your Influencers

A recent study by the Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Report, found that 83% of global consumers trust recommendations from people they know, 66% trust online consumer opinions and 66% trust traditional editorial content such as newspapers and television. Paid advertising doesn’t always deem that best results, so sticking with trusted influencers and publications are your brand’s best bet.

Diversify the Consumer Experience

Having both a positive and effective online presence is key in attracting the right consumer, but don’t forget their experience outside the digital realm too. Brands whose online identity carries outside the digital realm – items arriving on time, matching descriptions and with no complications – will have the most success.

Is It Too Late Now to Say Sorry?

Mistakes happen at a greater pace and the outfall can be detrimental to any brand. However, on the flip side, brands now can use those same methods to spread and respond to a negative message faster and avoid a PR nightmare.

Smartphones: The Remote Controller of Our Lives

Smartphones The mighty smartphone has changed the way we conduct our lives and more than ever, brands face and uphill challenge to keep their reputations and messaging in tact. The faster a company can personalize a message, create a truly eye-catching graphic or diversify the entire consumer experience, are more likely to come out of the digital tornado with their brand in tact.

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