Difficult Clients

I have never voluntarily ended a business relationship with a client because they were too difficult from a project management standpoint.

I have heard stories that separating and discarding bad clients from your CRM, you will be able to focus more time and energy on maintaining the good clients that you have.

Seth Godin has some experience in this arena so I invite you to check out his blog post, Unreasonable Clients, to hear his story.

Working For Free

To work for free, or not to work for free. 

To over-service, or not to over-service.
Nobody wants to give away their secret sauce for free, but if you give a little of it away along the path to securing new business is it worth it?
Mitch Joel seems to think so.  
In his Six Pixels of Separation blog post, You Should Work For Free. You Should Not Work For Free, he makes a statement I wholeheartedly agree with: 

I don’t believe in working for free, but I sometimes do.