Social Media and Customer Service

Social Media opens up a lot of doors for feedback – feedback from clients, competitors, vendors and just about anybody using the same social media platform you are.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t embrace social media as a great marketing tool, but it does mean you need to include customer service in your strategy.
Most unhappy clients want the same things:
  • To feel listened to
  • To be acknowledged
  • To be responded to in a timely manner
Social media is a great tool for appeasing unhappy customers.  Brands recognize the complaint in a public forum, responses happen in real-time and customer service representatives can move off-channel to address the concerns personally and privately.
There is no way to avoid feedback on your social media channels, so prepare your team to handle responses as quickly and professionally as possible.  Everyone who is involved with your social media plan should be trained in crisis communications so they understand how issues should be handled and what the brand’s stance is on various potential situations.