Advice Entrepreneurs Would Give Their Younger Selves

Here’s a really great article posted by Scott Gerber at Mashable: The advice 13 entrepreneurs would give their younger selves.

“While inexperience can have certain benefits (like fearlessness and confidence), a seasoned businessperson with no regrets is incredibly hard to find. With that in mind, I asked 13 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) what they would tell their younger selves when first starting out.”

Entrepreneurial Skills Applicable to Marketing

Being a startup entrepreneur isn’t really my cup of tea… I do love freelancing, which I suppose is a kind of startup, but I have only myself and my family to support, not a whole team.  Recently, Mashable posted an interesting article detailing the 11 traits every startup employee should have. Not surprisingly, many of the traits they listed are also applicable for marketing professionals. 

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Their Google Analytics

There has been a lot of talk about how Google’s Hummingbird algorithm had changed Google Analytics over the last several months.  I can find a lot of high level conversations between industry gurus, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of basic nuts and bolts that is easily understood by laypeople.  In fact, a friend of mine asked me just the other day if I could explain SEO and Google Analytics. Continue reading 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Their Google Analytics


Mitch Joel wrote an interesting blog post about talent earlier this month, Let’s Face The Cold Hard Truth About Talent.

It’s interesting because Mitch argues that the 10,000 hours rule, made famous by Malcom Gladwell’s Outliers book, isn’t true.
And I think Mitch may be right.
I knew so many girls who practiced water polo just as much as I did, who were just as dedicated, who wanted to be good just as much as I did.  But you know what?  They weren’t as good as I was.  How do you account for that?
It’s talent.  I have a gift for athletics, especially sports that require hand-eye coordination and not a whole lot of foot speed on land.

Continue reading Talent