Creating a Successful B2B Social Media Strategy

Most people have come around from the erroneous thinking that social media is not a successful B2B marketing tool. Sure, the tactics may differ slightly in B2B versus B2C campaigns, but social media is a powerful tool for brands across all industries and selling models.

For those marketing professionals looking to launch social platforms for brands – it’s not too late to get in the game. Whether you’re just starting out or ready to bring your B2B social media game to the next level, follow these three steps to create a successful social strategy:

  1. Set Clear, Measurable Goals. Social media is just like any other part of a successful marketing mix, it should be evaluated regularly to ensure the target audiences are being reached and the messaging is salient. If there’s a disconnect between your plan and the results, keep tweaking your strategy until you hit your mark.
  2. Use Native Content. All social media platforms are not equal, and successful social media campaigns create content that plays to the strengths of each network. For example, Facebook is a great place to promote the humanizing aspects of brands, while LinkedIn lends itself more to sharing white papers and establishing brands as industry experts.
  3. Allocate Appropriate Resources. This doesn’t apply solely to manpower, although it’s crucial to delegate social media marketing responsibilities to specific team members. Equally important is dedicating a chunk of the budget to social media. At the very least, send your digital marketing team to seminars, encourage them to listen to webinars, and empower them to stay on the cutting edge of the latest trends in this ever-changing industry.

Download the PDF: Creating a Successful B2B Social Media Strategy.