Tips on How to Write Faster and Boost SEO

Untitled design-2Want to write more content that is both effective and SEO boosting? The answer could be to re-evaluate your writing preparation and style. To better organize yourself for your next writing project, we outlined a few guidelines from KoMarketing that will get you spending less time writing and more time driving your SEO.

Prep, Prep, Prep


Research is an essential part to any blog can be the difference between reading expert content or just plain fluff. Keeping up with the latest industry news and other authoritative sources can help set your writing apart and set you up as an expert in your field. Research can also be a time evaporator so it is important to get this done first.


80% of readers do not make it past the headline of an article, so it is important to spend some time and create a bold, eye catching and strong headline. You want your headline to be able to sum up your post in jut a few quick words. Websites such as CoSchedule and Portent’s Content Idea Generator are great for inspiration and you can even test out the effectiveness of your blog’s headline before posting your piece.

The “Hamburger” Outline

Depending on your preparation style, it is good to have some sort of outline written out before you even start your post. Experts suggest that even using a simple format, such as the elementary “hamburger outline” otherwise known widely has the five-paragraph format, to help outline your writing quickly and efficiently.

Breaking Through Distractions

In today’s world, we our constantly surrounded by distraction, where it be our phone, the internet (we’re looking at you Buzzfeed!), work colleagues or our environment, even the best writers can be sidetracked from their writing process from time to time. Easy to access programs such as WordPress Distraction Free Writing can help eliminate your screen access or 750 Words, an interactive writing game that offers creative ways to help prioritize and focus.

Aside from distractions, it is also important to consider the words you use themselves and not incorporate too much flowery or descriptive language and honing in on digestible language that can be read quickly. Choose your words carefully and select those that will have the greatest impact.

Finishing Touches

It’s important to give your work one last look when completed, you may want to race to the finish line, but proof reading and checking for mistakes is just as important. A few suggestions are to read your writing aloud can help you to catch mistakes or make changes to your style so that it is clear and cohesive. Dubbed the “spell checker for writing style, the Hemingway App can evaluate your writing style by highlighting potential style changes. Similarly, Grammarly, can check for any grammar, miss spelled words and misplaced punctuations.

Final Takeaway

We hope that these easy tips will help you to no only increase your SEO reach but make it easier for you to write more effectively. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to writing, preparation and style, but by switching up your process and trying out new strategies, you are one step closer to producing better content. Happy writing!

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