What Does Mobilegeddon Mean for Your Business?

Beginning on Tuesday, April 21, Google updated its search algorithm to give mobile-friendly websites preference over non-mobile-friendly websites in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

While many small businesses are scrambling to execute responsive website designs, it’s important to put the change into perspective. Continue reading What Does Mobilegeddon Mean for Your Business?

Google’s New Linking Guidelines

I am incredibly lucky to have connected with a great Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company, Search Optimizers. The Account Manager I work with is incredibly diligent about keeping his clients updated on the newest algorithm changes impacting search. He recently sent me an email with the following information: Continue reading Google’s New Linking Guidelines

Jon Stewart Taught Us The Importance of Authority and Authenticity

I, like many of my friends and colleagues, was sad to hear that Jon Stewart will be retiring from The Daily Show. To be honest, I had no knowledge of the show prior to college and assumed that Stewart had been a part of the program since it’s inception – which isn’t true.

Continue reading Jon Stewart Taught Us The Importance of Authority and Authenticity

Entrepreneurial Skills Applicable to Marketing

Being a startup entrepreneur isn’t really my cup of tea… I do love freelancing, which I suppose is a kind of startup, but I have only myself and my family to support, not a whole team.  Recently, Mashable posted an interesting article detailing the 11 traits every startup employee should have. Not surprisingly, many of the traits they listed are also applicable for marketing professionals. 

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Their Google Analytics

There has been a lot of talk about how Google’s Hummingbird algorithm had changed Google Analytics over the last several months.  I can find a lot of high level conversations between industry gurus, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of basic nuts and bolts that is easily understood by laypeople.  In fact, a friend of mine asked me just the other day if I could explain SEO and Google Analytics. Continue reading 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Boost Their Google Analytics

Ken Mueller Sparks Google+ v. Facebook Debate

Ken Mueller wrote a very open letter to Mark Zuckerberg requesting that Facebook stop tweaking their newsfeed algorithm and let users shape their own experience.  I personally think Mueller makes some great arguments as to why this is a win-win situation for everyone – users, businesses, Facebook, etc – and I encourage you to read the letter in it’s entirety. Continue reading Ken Mueller Sparks Google+ v. Facebook Debate