I am very fortunate to work with a very talented group of people who are teaching me the value of no. The value of no is having the resources to say YES to the really cool stuff. This applies in life personally and professionally.
Avoiding Project Apocalypse
Seth Godin‘s blog post today, The three toxic stooges of the project apocalypse, really resonated with me. Seth names the three components that contribute to project failure: over promising, under sharing and lack of polish. Continue reading Avoiding Project Apocalypse
Difficult Clients
I have never voluntarily ended a business relationship with a client because they were too difficult from a project management standpoint.
I have heard stories that separating and discarding bad clients from your CRM, you will be able to focus more time and energy on maintaining the good clients that you have.
Seth Godin has some experience in this arena so I invite you to check out his blog post, Unreasonable Clients, to hear his story.
Tend Your Gardens
Too often life is about creating things by a deadline, handing in the project and walking away. It doesn’t matter what happens after you deliver, whether your work is solid or comes apart at the seems with time. Seth Godin calls this method of thinking: buildings.