Tips on How to Write Faster and Boost SEO

Untitled design-2Want to write more content that is both effective and SEO boosting? The answer could be to re-evaluate your writing preparation and style. To better organize yourself for your next writing project, we outlined a few guidelines from KoMarketing that will get you spending less time writing and more time driving your SEO. Continue reading Tips on How to Write Faster and Boost SEO

Capturing Attention: Six Tips To Help Brands Stand Out

Capturing Attention

Similar to its predecessor, the remote control, the mighty smartphone has completely revolutionized our world, making communication faster and easier than ever. With everything we need – groceries, home security, health services and even dates, all of these services and products is just one tap, swipe and figure eight away. Through endless apps, social media platforms and search capabilities, it now becomes more challenging than ever for brands to penetrate through the noise to reach their intended audiences. Continue reading Capturing Attention: Six Tips To Help Brands Stand Out